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Helpful filtering examples

Five step-by-step examples of filters to help you customise the way you see your data

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Filtering is a really powerful tool in Beacon, which helps you to customise the way you see your data. Below are 8 step-by-step examples of filters that you can create and save in Beacon.

You can find more general information on searching and filtering here, and then get stuck into these examples:

One-Off vs Recurring Donations

Easily differentiate between your one-off and recurring donations within Beacon

Overtime you may accumulate different kinds of donation payments in your account that you might want to filter by and report on. An example of this is One-Off vs Recurring donations.

Both of these payments are going to be type is - donation in Beacon. So what additional filter can we use to distinguish a one-off donation from a recurring donation?

Well …. In Beacon payments that are recurring will always be linked to a subscription record, and we can use this to help us refine our search.

Scroll to the bottom of you filter box and click Add filter.

  • For your one-off donations your second filter will be 'Subscription is blank'

  • For your recurring donations your second filter will be 'Subscription is not blank'

And there you have it! Nice and easy! You have a list of either your one-off or your recurring donations.

Filtering for donors who've ever donated over £1,000

From the people record type, select the filtering icon from the top right of the page and click on + Add Filter and then scroll down to select related payments.

Set the related field to Payer (default) and the metric to Sum of amount and set the filter to greater than £1000.

Note:These search parameters will exclude payments equal to £1000. To include them, set the filter to greater than £999

Congratulations! You now have a list of every person who has ever donated more than £1000!

Filtering for donors who've ever made a payment between £50-£100

As above, from the people record type, select the filtering icon from the top right of the page and click on + Add Filter and then scroll down to select related payments.

Set the related field to Payer (default) and the metric to Number of Payments where it is greater than 0.

In order for it to find payments between £50-£100, 2 filters will need to be added, one to limit it to payments over £49 and another to limit the search to payments under £101.

To do this, click on FILTER PAYMENTS, ADD FILTER, select Amount and then set each amount in the provided fields.

Congratulations! You now have a list of every donor who has ever made a payment between £50 - £100!

Filtering for new donors

Whenever we're considering a concept (in the case a 'new donor') it's always best to define the specifics to make filtering much easier! In this case, a new donor is a Person who:

  1. Has donated this year

  2. Has not donated prior to this year

From the People list page, add the first filter for 'Related payments'. We want to look for anyone with at least one donation Payment this year, so they would be the 'Payer' of the payment, and we filter the payments for their 'Payment date is this year' and also 'Type is donation'.

This gives us all the donors from this year, but will also include existing donors that have donated in the past. Let's exclude them so that we're left with only the new donors!

We'll add our second filter for 'Related payments' again. We're looking for people who have NOT made donations, so we'll use the 'Number of payments is 0' and then define what the Payments we don't want them to have would look like: 'Payment date before this year' and 'Type is donation'.

Congratulations! You have filtered your people to show those who are new donors!

Filtering for lapsed donors (LYBUNT / SYBUNT)

As with filtering for new donors, it's always best to define what we consider a lapsed donor. We're going to use two common definitions:

  1. LYBUNT - Last Year BUt Not This year

  2. SYBUNT - Some Year BUt Not This year

Both types of lapsed donor share a filter: No donations this year. Let's add that first!

From the People list page, add a filter for 'Related payments' with the following settings:

  • Related field: Payer

  • Metric: Number of payments

  • Filter Payments: Type is Donation, Payment date is this year

  • Number of payments: is 0


For LYBUNT lapsed donors, we'll also include a filter for having at least one donation last year.

Add another filter for 'Related payments' with the following settings:

  • Related field: Payer

  • Metric: Number of payments

  • Filter Payments: Type is Donation, Payment date is last year

  • Number of payments: greater than 0

We've now got our two filters:

  1. No donations this year

  2. At least one donation last year

Congratulations! You have successfully filtered to see all people who are recent lapsed donors!


For SYBUNT lapsed donors, we'll instead include a filter for having at least one donation any time before this year.

Add another filter for 'Related payments' with the following settings:

  • Related field: Payer

  • Metric: Number of payments

  • Filter Payments: Type is Donation, Payment date is before this year

  • Number of payments: greater than 0

We've now got our two filters:

  1. No donations this year

  2. At least one donation before this year

Congratulations! You have successfully filtered to see all people who are lapsed donors!

Filtering by people who've attended an event and also have donated over £100 in total in the last year

In this example, we're going to be setting filters to look for 4 different criteria. We want the results to show a list of people who:

  1. Attended an event

    1. Where the event was in the last year

  2. And donated more than a total of £100

    1. where those donations were in the last year.

To begin with, from the people record type, select the filtering icon from the top right of the page and click on + Add Filter and then scroll down to select related event attendees.

Now, to filter for people who attended events in the last year, click on filter event attendees.

Now we want to add two filters, one to limit it to events that happened no earlier than a year ago and a second to limit the filters to events that have not yet happened.

For both, begin by clicking + Add Filter and select event. Select meets criteria and change the field to start date.

  • To limit the filter to events that occurred in the past year, select less than and type 365 in the days ago field.

  • To limit the filter to exclude future dates, select before and select today (default).

Note: You can also set specific dates by using 'in between' if you want it to always use the same date range when you use the filter.

This will now show all people who have attended an event in the past year. In order to only show those who have also made a payment of over £100 in the past year we need to click + Add Filter and select related payments from the dropdown menu.

Set the related field to payer (default) and the metric to sum of amount where the amount is greater than £100.

Now you filter will be showing all individuals who attended an event in the past year AND who have ever donated £100. In order to limit the results to people who have donated over £100 this year, we need to add the same date constraints as we did for the events.

Click on Filter Payments then + Add Filter. Select Payment Date from the dropdown menu where the payment was less than 365 days ago.

Select + Add Filter and again choose Payment Date where the payment was before today (default).

Note: You can also set specific dates by using 'in between' if you want it to always use the same date range when you use the filter.

Congratulations! You have successfully filtered to see all people who have both attended an event this year and made donations totalling more than £100 this year!

Filtering for all people who've attended a specific event

From the People record type, click on the filtering icon in the top right. Click + Add Filter and choose Related Event Attendees and click on Filter Event Attendees. Select Event and begin typing the name of the event you'd like to filter by. A dropdown list will populate any events that match what you've typed so far (think search bar). Select the even you'd like and voila! Your search filter is complete.

Congratulations! You've created a filter to view every person who has attended a particular event!

Filtering for all payments from people who don't have a gift aid declaration

From the Payment record type, click on the filtering icon in the top right, click on + Add Filter, select Payer from the dropdown menu, and select Meets Criteria, and set the record type to Person.

Set the field to Related Gift Aid declaration where it is 0.

Congratulations! You have filtered your payments to show those from people who don't have a gift aid declaration!

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