For individual addresses, Beacon automatically displays a map that you can open and interact with, but when you want to display multiple addresses on the same map it's time to use the best tool for the job: Google Maps. You can even publish or embed your map on your website once you're done.
Creating or updating a map in Google Maps
Step 1: Export from Beacon
First, we need to get your data out of Beacon!
Create an export template in your Beacon account, including these columns:
Name (Could be person's name, organisation name, event name, etc.)
Address line one
Address line two
Filter your desired records for those you want to display on the map
Select them and export, using your new template
Step 2: Upload to Google Maps
Go to My Maps in your Google account
Click on the map you'd like to add the locations to, or create a new map
Click 'Import' and upload the file you'd exported from Beacon
Select all address columns to set addresses
Select your name column to set the label on each location
Click finish - you've now got a map!