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Deleting records

How to get rid of records you no longer need

Updated over 5 months ago

Sometimes that time comes along when you just don't need a particular record anymore. There are two steps to deleting a record:

  1. Delete the record

  2. Delete the record permanently

Beacon has the equivalent of the recycle bin on your computer - the initial deletion - so if you want to make sure that a record is gone forever you'll need to also permanently delete it.

There's more information about deleting records in Beacon below.

What is deleting?

Deleting a record is your go-to first step for removing information. It makes the information invisible to you, and to your filtering/exporting/searches. It can however still be accessed if you ever need to reference it again, and brought back to life if you need to reinstate it one day. Think of it like putting a file in the trash on your computer - it's gone for all intents and purposes, but you can still get at it if you ever need it.

Deleted records will also not be interacted with by any forms or app integrations.

What is deleting permanently?

It is what you'd likely expect; deleting permanently removes the records completely from your database, and they can't be restored or recovered. You must first delete a record, and then you can delete it forever.

Warning: Be careful when choosing to permanently delete a record; any other records which currently point to it will lose that information/link, and it cannot be undone.

Deleting single records


On each record there is a handy Delete button in the top right of the individual record.

You'll be greeted with a confirmation window...

Click OK and your record will be deleted.

Delete Permanently

To delete a record permanently, it must first be deleted. Once deleted, use the Delete Permanently button on the record in the top right.

Note: To find your deleted records, see here.

Warning: Be careful when choosing to permanently delete a record. Any other records which currently point to it will lose that information/link, and it cannot be undone.

Deleting multiple records


You can delete records in bulk using your list view. First, use the checkboxes to select the records you would like to delete.

Next, open the Actions menu (the three dots!), and click Delete.

Note: You can use filters and views to narrow the current records in view. Using the 'Select all' checkbox at the top of the list selects only those records currently visible.

Records deleted!

Delete permanently

To permanently delete records in bulk, they must first be deleted. To permanently delete them, select the records you would like to permanently delete from the deleted records list, open the Action menu, and then click Delete permanently. Serious business!

Note: To find your deleted records, see here.

Warning: Be careful when choosing to delete records in bulk. Any other records which currently point to them will lose that information/link, and it cannot be undone.

Viewing and restoring deleted records

To see the deleted records of any record type, open the Views dropdown, and click Deleted.

You'll now be looking at any records of this type previously deleted and hidden from your database. This is the recycling bin of Beacon!

From here you can view the records, sort and filter them, etc. just like you can with live records. If you would like to restore a file, it's virtually the same process as deleting:

There's a Restore button on the individual record in the top right.

Or for multiple records from the list view you can select the record or records, open the tri-dot Action menu, and click Restore.

Related records pointing to a deleted record

If another record points to one that has been deleted, it will still show the link information but will mark it as deleted. Clicking through will take you to that deleted record.

Once a record is deleted permanently there will no longer be a link to that record, and the field would be blank.

Frequently asked questions

What permissions are required to delete records? Can I restrict users from being able to delete records?

To delete a record, a user will need 'Edit' permissions for every field on that record type, which are the default permissions.

If you restrict a single field on that record type to 'Read' or 'Forbidden' then users in that role will be unable to delete or restore those records. To restrict individual fields, you would need to be on our Premium or Ultimate plans and have the Roles and permissions element.

I deleted a contact, why haven't they been unsubscribed in Mailchimp?

Deleted records are not affected by any app integrations and vice versa. You should essentially think of the deleted record as non-existent. Mailchimp is a really clear example of this with the following being expected behaviour:

Person deleted in Beacon ➜ Contact NOT unsubscribed in Mailchimp

You should remove 'Email' from their 'Contact consent' field before deleting if you want to unsubscribe them.

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