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Card: Chart

Visualise data that relates to an individual record with charts

Updated over a week ago

Heads up! This is a guide for admins. If you're not an admin yet, ask your Beacon admin to promote you so you can start managing fields.

What is it?

The Chart card is a useful card in Beacon to visualise information that relates to a record. It works similarly to the standalone charts feature, but is shown on an individual record - and only visualises data related to it.

Here's a few examples:

  1. Donation history, on a person's record

Screenshot 2021-06-16 at 11.29.45

2. Campaign income by source, on a campaign record

Screenshot 2021-06-16 at 11.42.16

Card settings

Title & icon

This is fairly self explanatory. Feel free to pick the title and icon that you feel is most intuitive.

Screenshot 2021-06-16 at 11.45.32

This is the field on the record type that you're summarising that points to the record type you're adding the card to.

Let's say you wanted to visualise payments made by someone when viewing their person record. On the payment record type, the "Payer" field is pointing at the person record type:

As such, you would choose the Payer field in this related field option:


The metric lets you decide the kind of data you'd like to summarise.

Screenshot 2021-06-16 at 12.06.16


Grouping allows you to define how data should be grouped together in your chart card.

Screenshot 2021-06-16 at 12.08.06


Last but not least - filters. Sometimes you won't want to visualise up all related records - just a subset of them. Filters allow you to define the criteria you want, using the standard Beacon filtering interface.

Screenshot 2019-12-06 at 11.13.10

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