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Tracking event invitations and attendance
Tracking event invitations and attendance

Best practice advice on how to track who you've invited to events, as well as their registration and attendance.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

With Beacon's Event registration forms it's easy to sell tickets and register attendees for your events online, but sometimes you'd like to personally invite people and then be able to track the success of those invitations. Below we explore tracking invitations, registrations, and attendance at your events.

Tracking invitations

For tracking your invitation activities for those you’d like to invite to an event, we recommend using Beacon's existing Campaign and Campaign member records. Your campaign is all about getting them to sign up to your event, so a 'Successful' campaign member represents those who have registered.

  1. Create a Campaign record for your invitations

    Optional: Add 'Invitation' as an option in your Campaign's 'Type' field if you're likely to regularly have invitation campaigns. See how here.

  2. Add any People that you'd like to invite to your event as Campaign members of your newly created Campaign.

    You can either add them 1 by 1 from the 'Members' card on the right hand side...

    ...or you can select records from the People list and create related campaign member records for them all at once.

  3. Initially, before you've reached out to them, leave their 'Status' as 'Not contacted'.

  4. Invite your invitees! You could use a Beacon email template to send individual emails, export them to Mailchimp or Dotdigital for bulk invitations, or use our document merge feature to generate personalised letters to send to them. Or maybe you'll jump on the phone and speak to them!

  5. Once invited, change the status on the Campaign member records to 'Contacted'.

  6. If you hear back from any attendees that they'd like to come, but they haven't yet registered, change their status to 'In progress'.
    If you hear back from any attendees that they won't be coming, change their status to 'Not interested'.

Updating invitations for registrants

Once you've invited your guests, you may want to update the Campaign member invitations to indicate whether they've registered. Simply change the relevant Campaign member status to 'Successful'.

To update them in bulk, you can filter your Campaign members for:

Campaign member meets criteria: Person related event attendees.
Number of event attendees, filtered for event is XYZ, is greater than 0.

You can then select all records and update them to set the 'Status' as 'Successful'.

Tip: Just want to see the results at the end of the event? Wait until after your event registrations have closed so that you only need to do it once!

Tracking attendance

If you're like to be able to report on whether your event attendees actually came to your events, you'll want to be able to add some data for their attendance. Our recommendation is to track this on the Event attendee record.

  1. Create a new drop-down list field called 'Status'

  2. Add the following drop-down options:

    • Registered
    • Attended
    • Did not attend

  3. Set the default value for the field to be 'Registered'

Tip: for quickly checking in attendees at an event, create a pipeline view of Event attendees for your event based on your 'Status' field - you can now simply drag attendees into the correct column when they arrive!

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